Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tunnel Creek and Windjana Gorge (Along the Gibb River Road)


Due to the troubles with our charger we did both Tunnel Creek and Windjana Gorge in the one day. We left Silent Grove and headed straight to Tunnel Creek. We made good time as the Gibb River Road was in great condition and we could sit on close to 100km/hr most of the time. Tunnel Creek is 57km off the Gibb going South.


Corrugations on the road into Windjana and Tunnel creek



Tunnel Creek is a creek-made tunnel in an ancient Devonian reef. It is amazing to think that the beautiful rock formations you are looking at once were under the ocean. The tunnel is super fun to walk through, pitch black in parts and water to wade through. We were armed with our torches and in search of stalagmites and fresh water crocs. Not expecting to actually spot any of the later, we saw one not far from the end of the tunnel just as we turned around to head back for the return leg. Pretty exciting.





Windjana Gorge is also apart of the Devonian reef. Over time a gorge has developed in the rock. We didn’t do the full walk here we mainly came to see all the freshwater crocodiles that sun themselves on the banks of the receding water in the dry season.

IMG_6533Checking the crocs out


Fish fossil in the limestone




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