Sunday, August 3, 2014

Manning Gorge (Along the Gibb River Road)


Home Valley Station was our next stop after El Questro along the Gibb River Rd. We only stayed at Home Valley for one night and set up right next to the playground. There were quite a few other families and the the kids had a wonderful time making friends. We did a cane toad hunt that night and had 22 toads to put in the box. Belle won’t pick any up, but she is happy to shine the torch for the boys.


Pentecost River crossing (between El Questro and Home Valley Station


Playground at Home Valley Station


We left Home Valley and continued heading West. For morning tea we called in at Ellenbrae Station for their well advertised scones. They were a welcome treat after days of just crackers and cheese or tinned vegetables.

IMG_6304Ellenbrae Station


The Gibb River Road

Our next stop was at Barnett Roadhouse and Manning Gorge which is half way across the Gibb River Road. We camped for two nights at the Manning Gorge campground. It was a nice clean campground with generator run facilities. This means that from 6-9am and 5-8pm you can flush the toilets and have a shower. There is nice swimming at the campground and clean sand on the edge of the water for digging. Also plenty of shade for parents to sit and read while the kids swim.


Swimming and boat at the start of Manning Gorge walk.





The walk to the gorge is 5 km return and starts at the campground. At the start you can either pull yourself across on the boat or swim. We chose the boat on the way there and we swam back on the return trip. The gorge walk requires some scrambling up and down rock in particular as you near the gorge. Swimming in the gorge itself was lovely.Of course, Clayton had to have a turn at jumping off the rocks.

. IMG_6369

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