Sunday, August 3, 2014

Silent Grove (Along the Gibb River Road)


Continuing west along the Gibb we arrived at Silent Grove. This is the campground for visiting Bell Gorge. The road into Silent Grove was rough! Very corrugated. Luckily it was only 23km in off the main road. Long enough though to cause our camper trailer charger to break. When we arrived we decided to plug the generator in for a while to top the batteries up as they were starting to get low, which is when we realised that it wasn’t charging. This was also the time when we learnt that the road had not only been the last straw for the charger, but the generator’s off switch no longer worked. So with two things broken and no means of charging the batteries to run the fridge other than by the car when driving, we decided to finish up on the Gibb sooner than we had planned to.


Silent Grove

With only one night in Silent Grove, we headed straight out to Bell Gorge that afternoon. It is a 10km drive from the campground and then a short walk along a fairly easy track to the top of the falls. To get down into the main gorge and the bottom of the falls you need to walk up a fairly steep rock cliff and then straight down the other side over rocks. It is a very pretty gorge and lovely swimming.


Bell Gorge from the bottom


Top pool




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