Thursday, August 28, 2014

Margaret River Region (South West W.A.)


Oh Margaret River – thank you so much for your hospitality! We will be back. Driving south from Perth you enter an area of green rolling hills covered with vineyards and dotted with dairy cows and sheep. The area reminded us a great deal of Maleny also parts of New Zealand – we almost felt like we had come home. Definitely a very liveable part of the world. The entire region seems to be purely for the creation of delicious things!


Due to forecast rainy weather we booked ourselves into a self contained cabin at the park we had planned on camping at. It was so nice and such a treat to have a warm dry space for a few nights (so good in fact that we stayed for 4 nights). Kids were excited to even have a television and it was a nice surprise that once the initial novelty wore of (the first night) they actually preferred to play with each other. It showed us how wonderful this trip has been for our family. Not that they didn’t get along prior to leaving, but we have all cemented such strong friendships with each other and how much I will miss all being together when we return to school and work.


Our time in Margaret River Region was a time of pure indulgence – which was wonderful! We enjoyed visiting the wineries, breweries and chocolate factories. Not to forget the cheese, olives, jams and fudge. What a shame that we are limited for space and couldn’t fill our car up with all this lovely stuff.


IMG_7346Vasse Virgin (Olive Oil Soap Factory)

We stayed at Taunton Farm in the town of Cowaramup which is about 12km north of the Margaret River township. Taunton Farm is a working cattle property and they have animal feeding each afternoon. They also have a jumping pillow and a playground (but tricky in the rain, but there were some clear times when the kids could enjoy these).


Cape Leeuwin is the most south-west point of the mainland and it is where the Indian and the Southern Oceans meet. We took the lighthouse tour which was great, but was very expensive at $79 for our family to climb the lighthouse. It was super windy at the top.



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