Sunday, August 3, 2014



We had been so looking forward to our time in Broome but unfortunately turned out to be a time or frustration. Due mainly to the fact that after having the trailer at the auto-electrician for a whole day (packing up in the morning and then setting back up in the evening) the charger does not work and needs to be sent back to Brisbane for testing. After all the time and money spent – this was incredibly frustrating as we still cannot charge the batteries unless we are driving. Poor Clayton was exasperated by the drama of the charger so I convinced him to do the local boutique brewery tour at Matso’s Brewery. So we packed the kids up and drove to the brewery to drop Clayton there to do the tour. Would you believe it? They don’t do tours on brewing days – so no tour!! We couldn’t believe it either when the camel ride we had booked for the following day was cancelled due to lack of staff. As we were sitting there thinking that Broome really was a bit of a black spot on our trip we had a call from the camel people, they had got us in with another company.

Cable beach is very pretty. White sand and pristine green blue water. No one really swam though as it was quite windy and the water cool. There were also lots of brown jelly fish in the water and a sign on the beach saying that they give a mild sting. So of course the kids weren’t keen on going in too deep.


We did enjoy getting to see some of the dinosaur footprints in the rocks. They can be seen at low tide from Gantheaume Point. Some were difficult to make out as they are quite worn. A couple we saw were very distinct. IMG_6639IMG_6640




Our camel ride was fun. I did feel sorry for the camels though, walking back and forth up the beach with a load of tourists on their backs.



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