Thursday, August 28, 2014



We only spent one night in Albany but I think that we managed to see a great deal in the afternoon we arrived. There is some amazing coastline, both rugged and beautiful. You can imagine some wild weather coming off that Southern Ocean at times. Luckily for us it was quite calm and we enjoyed walking along the coast and admiring the view.

IMG_7446IMG_7452IMG_7465 The Valley of Giants – Tree Top Walk

We walked through the Red Tingle forest and did the Tree Top Walk – Near the town of Walpole. The Tree Top Walk is about 100kms west of Albany so we did it on the way.

IMG_7476 Red Tingle Tree


Albany coastline


IMG_7513Natural Bridge


We had dinner at the Albany Hotel – the oldest hotel in Western Australia (1835)


Albany is also the home of the Brig Amity replica. This was the ship that brought the first European Settlers to Western Australia and they settled in Albany. Two years before this however, the Amity brought the first settlers to Queensland (Redcliffe was the place of the first settlement). Harry and Belle both found the replica interesting as they have learnt about the Amity and the Redcliffe settlement at school.


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