Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mount Isa

The next leg of our journey was from Winton to Mount Isa. We had to stop at the Blue Heeler Hotel at Kynuna to get a stubby cooler for Dad. When we stopped the wind was strong and icy cold. The pub had just opened and we bought a lemonade and stood beside the lovely open fire they had going.

IMG_5353Blue Heeler Hotel, Kynuna

We also stopped in at the ‘ghost’ town of Mary Kathleen on the way. The town was thriving when the Uranium mine was operating in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Now there is just remnants left and nature has taken over.



We spent two days in Mount Isa. Caught up with a friend, did some grocery shopping and washing. Harry and Belle enjoyed the Hard Times Mine Tour. We had a great tour guide, a bloke named Steve. He had some great stories of his times working in the mines. I really enjoyed learning about underground mining and experiencing what it is like for the miners to work in the dark all day.

IMG_5360Mount Isa


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