Monday, July 28, 2014

Bungle Bungles–Purnululu National Park

Everyone you talk to says the road into the Bungle Bungles is terrible. It is!! It is the roughest road we have been on so far. It is 53kms in from the turn off and it is rough. The corrugations are horrendous. Our map says allow 3 hours to drive in, thank goodness it didn’t take that long! It only took us an hour and a half, but too rough to even hold a conversation. Everything in the car and trailer remained in tack apart from my spices which managed to bounce their way around the drawer and spread themselves on everything. IMG_6059

Despite the road, the Bungle Bungles are amazing. We did the two main walks – Cathedral Gorge and Echidna Chasm. They both took about an hour to complete and were fairly easy.


Cathedral Gorge- This track takes you through some of the domes which resemble striped beehives. The colours are incredible when the sun shines on the rocks. At the end of the track it opens to a large amphitheatre with a small pool of water. A lovely spot to sit for a while and enjoy the surroundings.



Echidna Chasm – this was my favourite! The walking track leads up into the chasm and as it nears the end the width decreases to the width of a single adult. You can still see the sky through the thin slit way above. There are some ladders near the end to help you get right to the end of the chasm. The walls of the chasm are a sandstone and river rock conglomerate. Millions of years ago the area was the bottom of a large river, over time the silt and sandstone has fused the rounded stones together into layers of different colours. Now as parts become exposed to the elements they are eroding away to create the shapes and gorges we see today.

IMG_6128 IMG_6135IMG_6147Looking up from the chasm.


Another highlight was seeing this bower made by the Great Bower Bird – he collects grey and white objects (including bones and shells) to decorate his bower. I was hoping to get a photo of him in his bower, but instead he just squawked at me from a tree above.


IMG_6175The creek crossing near the start of the road into the Bungle Bungles.

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