Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mataranka–Bitter Springs

After leaving Lorella Springs we headed north. There were some lovely places to visit on the to Mataranka. First stop was the Southern Lost City. This is amazing rock formations caused by weathering over a very long period.


We then stopped at Butterfly Springs. A very pretty waterhole with a small waterfall. The most amazing bit though was the thousands of butterflies making a fluttering curtain on one of the cliff walls. As you approach they take flight and flutter all around.


The rest of the drive to Mataranka was long, but some interesting things to spot of the side of the road.

IMG_5610A lovely little fresh water croc sunning himself on the river crossing.

IMG_5619Bitter Springs – thermal pool. Lovely place to swim. Let the current pull you down and around the corner through the over hanging palms. Then climb back out the ladder and walk along the path back to the entry. Looking under the water with goggles was amazing – like an underwater garden.



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