Monday, June 23, 2014

Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs!!

We have spent the last two nights in Winton and I got to do two of things that I have always wanted to do. Lark Quarry and the Australian Age of Dinosaurs. I have always loved dinosaurs so this was pretty exciting for me. We did the tour at the Australian Age of Dinosaurs and learned that they only dig for 3 weeks a year because of the amount of fossils that they find at one time. We watched the bones being prepped by tiny drills in the working laboratory. After that we got to look in the collection room and see the dinosaur bones laid out. It was all fascinating and a great experience. The next day we drove out to Lark Quarry to see the dinosaur stampede (footprints preserved in the mud and then covered in silt over time). It took about and hour and a half to drive from Winton, as the road is not sealed the whole way. It was wonderful to see the footprints in real life after seeing the cast at the Queensland Museum. You could really imagine the dinosaurs running around in the mud.

We stayed at the Matilda Country Tourist Park in Winton and enjoyed the nightly entertainment of the bush poets. The kids really enjoyed the shows as well, although we had to do a bit of explaining as to what some of it meant. They include the kids in the show each night and both Harry and Belle got up and joined in.

Other things we did in Winton was to visit the musical fence (a place where the kids can bash and bang things with sticks!) and to look at Arno’s Wall (a wall made out of rock, concrete and all sorts of other things).

IMG_5285Lots of emus wandering around.

IMG_5287Very dry in some parts.

IMG_5290Banjo – carnivorous dinsoaur


IMG_5304Fossilised leaf

IMG_5305Working laboratory

IMG_5309Banjo’s bones laid out


IMG_5317Footprints at Lark Quarry

IMG_5338At the musical fence

IMG_5351A motorbike built into Arno’s wall.

Now on to Mt Isa!

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