Saturday, March 8, 2014

Toilet Roll Holder and Dispenser

It is freaking me out a little that when we do our big around Australia trip that there might be times when we don’t have access to facilities (eg. dig a hole in the ground, hopefully behind a tree!!).

I saw something similar to this dispenser on Pinterest (original link) and thought we needed one too. This will make carrying and dispensing toilet paper easier and will keep the paper clean and dry (VERY IMPORTANT!!). It will make it easier for the kids as well.


You will need:

A sturdy plastic canister/container with screw on lid (I had an empty protein powder container). A sharp knife, a metal skewer, some ribbon for the handle, a roll of toilet paper.


I carefully (my knife is very sharp) cut a slit from the container.


Poke a hole in the lid and also in the bottom of the container, making sure that they line up when the lid is on. This is to thread your ribbon through.


The ribbon serves two purposes. For carrying and for hanging! Can’t say that I am EXCITED to try it out, but it’ll be ready when we need it.
